Glencairn Parish Church, Kirkland

Glencairn Parish Church, Kirkland

Denomination: Church of Scotland
Address: Kirkland, DG3 4HD
Local Authority: Dumfries & Galloway
Listing: A

Church Overview

Tall dignified T-plan Gothic-style church given presence by a handsome square tower with tall pinnacles, 1836-7 by William McCandlish. Original box pews in the galleries, others of 1900 when improvements were carried out. Magnificent stained glass windows including ‘The Good Shepherd’ by Abbey Studio. Bronze relief bust of Rev Patrick Borrowman by James Paterson, 1900, on east gable. Pipework of organ (reported unserviceable in 1937) still in place. The graveyard contains the remains of the former church and several notable covenanter gravestones.


Sunday: 10.00am or 11.45am on fourth Sunday of month

Opening Arrangements

Open by arrangement

Image Gallery

Click image to open gallery.

Glencairn Parish Church, Kirkland


The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.