Glamis Parish Kirk

Glamis Parish Kirk

Denomination: Church of Scotland
Address: Kirk Wynd, Glamis, DD8 1RT
Local Authority: Angus
Listing: B

Church Overview

The present church was built in 1792 on the site of a church dedicated to St Fergus of 1242. Substantially altered and beautified 1933. Classical bell-tower with octagonal top stage and spire. Category B kirkyard with interesting stones. Strathmore Aisle (category A) built in 1459 by Isabella Ogilvy on the death of her husband Patrick Lyon, 1st Lord Glamis. Opposite the church, in the garden of the former manse which is now privately owned, stands a 7th century Pictish/Celtic cross slab stone; access to cross is now restricted. Well of St Fergus nearby.


Sunday: 11.30am

Opening Arrangements

Open by arrangement

Image Gallery

Click image to open gallery.

Glamis Parish Kirk


The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.