Perthshire Circles

The St Fillan and St Serf Pilgrim Journey

Route length: 125 miles

Fillan and Serf have left us a legacy of stories, because they are both frontiersmen, operating at the meeting point of Irish, Pictish, British and later Germanic cultures. What unites them is a passion to ground the new faith in places of spiritual influence and power. They seeded a different future for Scotland, and command local loyalty and devotion to the present day. However, our starting point for this journey is to the south at Dunblane which was founded by the Irish missionary, Blane. This Journey circles around Perthshire and the Hillfoots towns.

West meets east in this twin journey through the green vales of Perthshire. From Leinster in Ireland, Fillan came with his mother Kentgerna and his uncle Comgan to Kintail in northwest Scotland. Having established a base at Kilillan, Fillan came south to Tyndrum and then into Glen Dochart. On the eastern side, Serf, a British rather than Irish Celt, established a base at Logie Airthrey near Stirling, and working his way along the Hillfoots, crossed the Ochils to Dunning in Perthshire.

Pilgrim Journeys