St Mary's RC Church, Lanark

St Mary's RC Church, Lanark

Denomination: Roman Catholic
Address: 70 Bannatyne Street, Lanark, ML11 7JS
Local Authority: South Lanarkshire
Listing: A


Church Overview

Gothic Revival cruciform church by Dublin architects Ashlin & Coleman 1908. Graceful 144-ft spire. Remarkable interior decoration including imposing reredos of Caen stone and marble, statues of St Mungo, St Margaret and St Columba and fine stained glass.


Saturday Vigil 6.30pm; Sunday 9.30am, 11.00am and 6.30pm; Weekdays 9.30am

Opening Arrangements

Open during daylight hours

Access for partially abled  Induction loop for the deaf  toilets available

Image Gallery

Click image to open gallery.

St Mary's RC Church, Lanark


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