St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow
Denomination: Scottish Episcopal
Address: 300 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G4 9JB
Local Authority: Glasgow
Listing: A
Church Overview
Fine Gothic revival church in Early English style by Sir George Gilbert Scott. It opened in1871 and the 200 ft spire was added in 1893. The chancel was refitted by Sir Robert Lorimer after the Great War. The high altar reredos by Lorimer has paintings by Phoebe Anna Traquair. Outstanding murals of 1998 by Gwyneth Leech. Three-manual pipe organ. Glasgow’s only full peal of bells. Major restoration 2002.
Sunday Eucharist 8.30am, Sung Eucharist 10.30am, Choral Evensong 6.30pm, Weekdays 9.30am morning prayer, Thursday 11.00 Eucharist
Opening Arrangements
Open May – September, Monday – Friday 10.00 am – 12.30 pm.
The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.