Kilmuir Church, North Uist
Address: Balranald, HS6 5DW
Local Authority: Western Isles
Listing: C
Church Overview
Originally North Uist Parish Church. Gothic T-plan by Alexander Sharp 1892-4. In the south-west inner angle is a two-stage tower, its battlemented parapet enclosing a slated pyramidal spire. Inside, a wealth of pitch-pine. All services are now in English, apart from two per annum, in Gaelic. Gaelic Psalms are still sung, on occasion. A new Church Hall was built at the back of the Church in 2018/19, and dedicated on 01 Feb 2020. Everyone agrees that it is very much in keeping with the architectural style of the Church, which was opened in 1894. Close to Balranald RSPB Reserve.
Sundays: 10.15 am, 6.00pm
Opening Arrangements
Open by arrangement
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