Ebenezer United Free Church, Leith, Edinburgh

Ebenezer United Free Church, Leith, Edinburgh

Denomination: United Free Church
Address: 31 Bangor Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5JX
Local Authority: Edinburgh

Church Overview

The Ebenezer congregation was founded in 1891. The original church building in Great Junction Street was demolished in 1979 to make way for new housing. The present building, by Sir Frank Mears & Partners, was opened in 1984. Unassuming building topped with a geometric metal framework supporting a cross. According to a former minister, we have the most comfortable seats of any church in the country!


Sundays: 11.00am and 6.30pm

Opening Arrangements

Open first Saturday of each month 10.00am-12.00 noon


Image Gallery

Click image to open gallery.

Ebenezer United Free Church, Leith, Edinburgh


The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.