Dalriada Mid Argyll, Ardrishaig
Denomination: Church of Scotland
Address: Tarbert Road, Ardrishaig, PA30 8EP
Local Authority: Argyll & Bute
Listing: Unlisted
Church Website
Church Overview
Gothic tower-fronted nave church of 1860 with low semi-octagonal transepts and vestibule added 1904. The octagonal castellated stage of the tower and the sharp spire were added in 1868. Edwardian Art Nouveau patterned stained glass in all windows.
Sundays: 11.00am.
Opening Arrangements
Open usually daily or by arrangement
Contact Dalriada Mid Argyll, Ardrishaig Church.
The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.