Christ Church, Kincardine O'Neil
Denomination: Scottish Episcopal
Address: , Kincardine O’Neil , AB34 5AA
Local Authority: Aberdeenshire
Listing: C
Church Overview
Attractive small Episcopal church in the middle of Royal Deeside; built in 1866, this was probably the last building designed by William Ramage. Nave and chancel under a roof with a single ridge-line, embellished with pretty cresting and a belfry (restored 2006). Fine collection of mainly Victorian stained glass windows and charming wrought-iron railings enhance the interior. Organ, of c1850s, installed in 1998. Notes on various items of interest are posted in the church. A fascinating and well-kept church and graveyard run by a thriving congregation.
This church has resisted amalgamation and retrenchment by engaging its own Priests-in-Charge and this has resulted in growth. Most recently a 4 ½ year stint by Rev. Dr. David Greenwood saw the number of communicants rise by 70%. Since November 2018 we have had a vacancy and in March 2019 the Vestry produced a draft Congregational Profile prior to defining a Priest Profile and seeking a new priest to come and live and work in the community.
While the services are strong on tradition we are moving with the times to use slightly more modern language for many services. Currently in Vacancy we have ‘professional cover’ for 1st & 3rd Sundays with an experienced lay team filling in the gaps. When there is a 5th Sunday our service of Choral Evensong with wine afterwards is a popular occasion not entirely because of the free booze. Full information of services and times is posted on our website. We have a small 4-part choir which started in 2008 and a lively Children’s Choir was started in 2019. The Children’s Corner is an added attraction for those with small children. We aspire to build a church hall.
1st & 3rd Sunday of Month: 1100hrs Holy Communion; 2nd & 4th Sunday – 1100hrs Matins followed by Reserved Sacrament; 5th Sunday – 1800hrs Choral Evensong
Note: Subject to change due to church festivals. Full information on services and times is posted on our website.
Opening Arrangements
The Church is open daily from 0800hrs (1000hrs on Sundays) to around 1700hrs.
The information about churches in Scotland’s Churches Scheme has been provided by the congregations or taken from the Historic Scotland list and published sources, in particular, the Buildings of Scotland volumes and the RIAS Illustrated Architectural Guides. To contact this specific church please complete the Contact this Church form above. The information is not authoritative; please contact Scotland’s Churches Trust to let us know of any errors or omissions.